It Starts with a Ride from the Airport

Posted on June 6, 2024 by 市场推广及传播

Jim and Mary Mather data-lightbox='featured'

Jim and Mary offering airport rides illustration超过25年了

吉姆和玛丽·马瑟通过Friends欢迎来自世界各地的学生 of Internationals —sometimes right after their plane lands.

吉姆和玛丽·马瑟先 在一本巴基斯坦新闻杂志上读到十大玩彩信誉平台十大玩彩信誉平台的报道. 那是1995年. 他们是巴基斯坦的传教士,吉姆在那里的一家小医院做护士, but had started thinking about returning to America.

该杂志的报道将十大玩彩信誉平台列为最受学生欢迎的大学之一 来自南亚. The next year, the Mathers made their first visit to Mobile. 他们 遇到了一对年轻的牧师,他们创立了一个名为“国际之友”的事工, 但他们打算离开阿拉巴马州,找人继续他们的工作.

马瑟夫妇大胆尝试,向该组织承诺了两年的时间. 那是在1998年. 在过去的四分之一世纪里,他们接待了成千上万的国际游客 学生到移动.
吉姆·马瑟说:“在最初的七年里,我们家有1万个孩子. “不 just in the house, but for a meal.”

马瑟一家住在一座砖砌的牧场里,从南方穿过大学大道 校园. 厨房已经扩建,容纳了两个炉子,还有一个小书房延伸开来 房子的后面.

Everyone calls it the “big room.” Banners with flags from more than 100 nations hang 从天花板上. Paintings and tapestries originating everywhere from Haiti to Kenya and Korea to Japan decorate the walls. A pingpong table gets pushed to the side for prayer meetings and potluck suppers.

玛丽·马瑟(Mary Mather)在成为传教士之前是一名物理治疗师,她看到的是外国事物 学生 battle homesickness, language barriers and culture shock. 在一些帮助下, 他们找到了自己的路.

马瑟夫妇经常在机场或学生入学的第一天去接他们. 他们帮助安排生活,提供接送服务,并试图解决问题.

“You are not alone,” Mary tells newcomers. “There are other 学生 and other families 这里有谁可以帮助你. There are resources on 校园 as well.”


1月,在春季学期开始的时候,国际之友主办了这次活动 70多名学生参加了在学生中心露台房间举行的欢迎晚宴.

有来自亚洲、非洲、欧洲以及北美和南美的学生. 百乐餐菜单上有咖喱鸡、自制印度香饭和红酒 beans and taco soup, along with fried chicken and mac and cheese.

At the check-in desk, 学生 stuck flag decals on their name tags. Oluwagbenro Adesunloro, Ph值.D. 来自尼日利亚的一名学生从美国环球社的顾问那里听说了《十大信誉彩票平台》 办公室.

“他们 helped with a ride from the airport,” he 说. “And they helped me find a place to stay until my apartment became available. Since then, I’ve been involved with the 程序.”

Adesunloro teases Brusi Kola, another Ph.D. student, as he pages through a booklet of flag decals: “You’re the only one from Albania!”

Kola, like so many Friends, has his own Jim-and-Mary story.

“我刚到这里,他们就邀请我去他们家吃饭,”他说. “我是 a little skeptical at first — you know, who are these people? ——不过还好. 我告诉 them I liked Italian food, so Mary cooked lasagna for me.”

十大玩彩信誉平台的朋友社区一直吸引着大量外国运动员. 的源泉 是为他们认识的捷豹运动员加油的跑步者和体育迷吗.

阿黛尔·马高德(Adele Magaud)是一名法国越野跑运动员,入学时她很难说英语 2019年在南方. It took months for her to be able to carry on a conversation.

她从一位挪威运动员那里听说了“国际之友”,并认识了马瑟夫妇 在莫比尔的第二天. After a few years at 南, she and some friends began renting a house near the Mathers.

“他们是最热情好客的人,”现在是研究生的马高德说 西北大学.


Dr. 十大玩彩信誉平台听力学研究生协调员塔拉·戴维斯(Tara Davis)是该校的指导老师 国际之友的会员. She met the Mathers soon after moving to Mobile in 2010.

“这些年来,我从他们身上学到了很多东西,这是一种轻描淡写的说法,”戴维斯说 说. “我从来没有遇到过如此热衷于走向国际的人 学生. It’s very much a priority in their lives.

“吉姆经常谈到与人建立关系的重要性. 那 驱使他们做任何事. 他们 don’t see 学生 as a project. 帮助他们感受到 莫比尔和南方是他们的家,或者是一个让他们感到舒适的家.

“他们’re very giving, very hospitable people. It’s not a front or something they give 口头上说. 他们通过建立和保持与他人的关系来生存和呼吸.”

理查德·本尼森(Richard Bennyson)是莫比尔的一名空客工程师,他是在《十大信誉彩票平台》上认识他的妻子尼维的 事件. 几年后,当他们结婚时,吉姆·马瑟是他们婚礼的司仪 达芙妮婚礼.

“那里的大多数人都是我们通过国际之友认识的人,” 班尼森笑着说. “There was a flash mob of people dancing to the song ‘Jai Ho’ from the movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’”

他记得2006年在十大玩彩信誉平台获得硕士学位,当时有60天的时间 find a job before his visa ran out. Finally, on day 59, he landed an engineering position.

Through it all, the Mathers were there. He was always welcome in their home. “这是 like a refuge when things were all over the place for me,” he 说.

本尼森夫妇有两个孩子,仍然活跃于国际之友. 现在他们会见年轻的国际学生,提供帮助,继续 马瑟夫妇的工作.

“他们’re like our parents here,” Bennyson 说. “We’ve been with them all of these years because they opened their hearts to us.”

L.A.  ——下阿拉巴马州

Mary Mather grew up on Long Island, New York. Jim Mather is a Navy veteran from Philadelphia. 他们 met at a religious retreat in Pennsylvania.

他们 wanted to become overseas missionaries and help people. 结婚后, they spent months training and
learning a new language, Urdu, then went to Pakistan for five years.

在莫比尔,他们自己抚养了三个孩子,同时建立了一个大家庭 环绕地球.

南方学院的一些外国学生对莫比尔不像洛杉矶感到惊讶 or New York City — the America they know from pop culture. 这就是为什么吉姆·马瑟 believes it’s important to reach 学生 right away.

“国际学生成功的关键是他们需要尽早建立联系,”他说 说. “学业只是经历的一小部分,但却是至关重要的一部分,但事实并非如此 只是去上学. It’s getting involved in the community. 他们觉得受欢迎吗?? 他们觉得自己被需要吗?? 这就是人们所需要的.”
